बीट जॅम

Beet Jam

Beetroot was founded in sixteenth century, earlier it was just popular in mid europe then later propogated worldwide. First it got developed in south India and brought to us by Vasco da gama. It was earlier used for blood production. If beet root is welled boiled properly then required fulfilments of body are satisfied. Beet root has more Phytonutrients which are useful lower asthama. Beet root has Vitamin K, folic, manganese minerals and potassium which is helpfull for eye care. Keeping beet root in daily food keeps heart healthy and strong.

Benefits of taking daily

  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Prevent heart attacks
  • Prevent strokes
  • Treat anemia
  • Prevent precancerous lesions and tumors in the esophagus
  • Regulates the digestive system
  • Improves metabolism
  • Increases the amount of oxygen carried in the red blood cells, improving stamina



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